11 yougo pegasus ru11 1 - Materials; ACT No. Grace Company developed a trademark to distinguish its products from those of the competitors. Intellectual property law (CMLD042) The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) has challenged traditional approaches to copyright management by using copyright to build ‘openness’ and reuse of existing works. Valuable information on intellectual property. In constitutional property law it is generally accepted that at least interests recognised and protected as property in private law will also be recognised and protected as property in constitutional law, although the constitutional property concept is wider than the corresponding concept in private law and interests other than. basics of intellectual property, not covered in every property class. Studying Intellectual Property Rights IPR102 at Trường Đại học FPT? On Studocu you will find 14 essays, practice materials, mandatory assignments, lecture notes,Overall: Intellectual Property Rights tend to relate to Investment on behalf of our client, whether that's time, money or effort. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Intellectual Property Writing Assignment Mikael C. On Studocu you will find over 18700 lecture notes, summaries and assignments from LU, to help you pass your exams. University: University of the People. 3 pages 2021/2022 100% (2) 2021/2022 100% (2) Save. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. Follow this course. . ) to grant an inventor the exclusive right to his or her invention forever C. Inventors, artists, scientists and businesses put a lot of time, money, energy and thought into developing their innovations and creations. In general, intellectual property rights can be grouped into two families according to the function of the information therein: information as a good and information as a signal. Advising on the IPRs included as part of a transfer of a business. Intellectual Property Office c. Econometrics Final. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries; Conducting R&D in Countries With Weak Intellectual Property Right; Assessing the Industrial Property Bill of Mauritius; A Brief Introduction TO Intellectual Property Rights in UK; protection of intellectual property righ 2f7ba2aa; Banking notes 2 The Intellectual Property Law/Code (“IPC”) gives life to Sec. Q. Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual property rights can be defined as the rights given to people over the creation of their minds. Eli is an entrepreneur who turned a small contracting company into a substantial property development operation. b. Confidential information and trade secrets in the employment context. intellectual property rights (IPRs). g. - Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the. Requisites of Patentable Inventions 1. PATENTABLE INVENTION Any technical solution of a problem in any field of human activity which is new, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable shall be patentable. WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization WTO World Trade Organization . The focus is also on whether a substantial part of the original work has been copied. There are 5 types of intellectual property rights: the right against passing off; trade mark rights; copyright and moral. These rights prevent the unauthorised duplication or use of any item or work to which the business owner is to have full rights. FalseIPR - UNIT 1 - Notes for KSLU Exam. Domain names - ```. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. _ On StuDocu you will find Lecture notes, Summaries and much more for WUSTL. intellectual property rights in the Philippines through constant assistance and involvement in the legislation of intellectual property law, 10 has commenced this special civil action for certiorari and prohibition 11 to challenge the validity of the President’s accession to the Madrid Protocol without the concurrence of the Senate. Business Law – Intellectual Property. While trademarks are a type of intellectual property right, so too are patents and copyrights. Trademark: a disincive word, symbol, sound, or design that ideniies the manufacturer as the source of paricular goods and disinguishes its product from those made or sold by others. In this case, the novel aspect is the stealthy delivery of the vaccine's active. Students also viewed. Copyright laws aim to preserve the rights of original authors, to. N S Gopalakrishnan & T G Agitha, ”Principles of Intellectual Property”, Eastern Book Company. hope it helps chapter intellectual property in internet copyright law: copyright is defined as right to authorise the use of work in different ways. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. NON-PATENTABLE INVENTIONA form of intellectual property protection, the mark prevents competing businesses from using names and insignias that could potentially confuse consumers. Identify the categories of Intellectual Property Rights; 3. intellectual property law is built. 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, which took effect on January 1, 1998 under the presidency of Fidel V. Intellectual Property law mcq 2. The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Act 2002 (Act 617) sets up a statutory body to administer the registration and grant of intellectual property rights in Malaysia. To safeguard creators and other producers of the ideas that produced goods and services by granting the creators certain time-limited rights to control the use made of those productions. Intellectual property law protects the intangible products of human ingenuity: principally, these are useful inventions (patents and designs), creative expression (copyright) and corporate identifiers and brand names (trade marks). Advanced Software Engineering (CN7021) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BIOC0001) Legal Practice Course. D. Seminar 3 - intellectual property law notes intellectual property law notes intellectual. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Constitutional-history-notes. Ask AI. Cash P 72, Accounts receivable 914, Inventories 240, Plant, property and equipment 1,392, Accounts payable 701, Francis Co. Date. Duration : 3 Hours Max. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries; Conducting R&D in Countries With Weak Intellectual Property Right; Assessing the Industrial Property Bill of Mauritius; A Brief Introduction TO Intellectual Property Rights in UK; protection of intellectual property righ 2f7ba2aa; Banking notes 2The Intellectual Property Law/Code (“IPC”) gives life to Sec. No. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. AI Chat. Property Law (LAW2011) ACCA F1 Practice and Revision Kit by BPP (Accountant Business) Unit 1 Marketing. from illegal use by others. intellectual stimulation; b. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. Context. Marks Overview A trade mark is a SIGN used, or intended to be used, to distinguish goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade by a person from goods or services so dealt with or provided by any other person. Power of an image, word, phrase, or song to identity goods and/or services in a market place. Bestselling new book releases Intellectual Property: A Very Shortweek 16: intellectual property For a successful patent application, this requirement provides that the invention is not obvious to a person skilled in the art at the time of the filing date or priority date of the application claiming the invention: A. Intellectual Property University of the People. Ramos. Intellectual Property Law Defined “Intellectual property” is any product or result of a mental process that the law protects against unauthorized use Exclusive (“rivalrous”) versus Non-Exclusive (“nonrivalrous”) property Intellectual property is unlike real or personal property Real property (land and buildings) and personal property (goods) derive. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. More info. III. Ch11 intellectual property. Intellectual property assets: Specialized research capabilities, patents, information systems, designs, operating processes, copyrights, and so on. On Studocu you will find 35 lecture notes, assignments, coursework, tutorial work, summaries and much. Thus, intellectual property rights are used to correct this market failure by granting to its creators and owners an exclusive or monopoly right to exploit the information so created (Plant 1934). In general, intellectual property rights can be grouped into two families according to the function of the information. Bestselling new book releases Intellectual Property: A Very Short INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - I. Villanueva 2 nd Semester, AY 2011- 2012 Katrina Michelle Mancao. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. Answers. Justice is clear about the circumstances in which services and goods are redistributed. Advanced Software Engineering (CN7021) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BIOC0001) Legal Practice Course. Answers. Intellectual property law protects the intangible products of human ingenuity: principally, these are useful inventions (patents and designs), creative expression (copyright) and corporate identifiers and brand names (trade marks). Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights 4 intellectual property rights (IPR) 4 to the discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs they create. The power of the state may not ethically deprive someone of rightful property. Mid Sem. Answer all five Units. Transaction costs on the sale amounted to P1. iv. 20: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. This Constitutional grant of authority to Congress is the cornerstone on which U. , process patent claims) Free riding in information as a good happens when a free-rider, without the right holder’s consent, uses or reproduces an intellectual property. Skip to document. The course introduces the substantive South African law dealing with these three forms of intellectual property. Intellectual property rights questions and answers in short notes It's with questions and answers in English understanding easily. intellectual property chattel personal property that can be moved real Skip to document Ask AIIt shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations,. Popular. Sign in Register. Get Unlimited Downloads. Nowadays, media become the common outlet of self- expression and creativity. LAW2106 Full Tutorial Questions & Answers. Intellectual property is the most pervasive yet least understood way we regulate expression. a. In Unit 1 you gained an overview of the various IP rights, and then in Unit Workshops 2-6 and Unit Workshop 8 you studied the detail of each right in isolation. 1. , release a "greatest hits" album. Origins of Passing off Reddaway v Banham (1896) AC 199 “The fundamental is, that one man has no right to put up his goods for sale as the goods of rival trader, and he cannot, therefore be allowed to use names, marks, letters, or inidica, by which he may induce purchaser to believe that the goods which he is selling. What is the missing element of passing of in the case of McCurry Restaurant (KL) Sdn Bhd v. Though the general ide a of intellectual property has been in existe nce Define intellectual property, trademarks and copyrights; Determine what can be protected; Recognize the basic issues of ownership; Discuss trademarks and copyrights as IP strategies; Establish own IP strategy; Intellectual property. Course: Filipino in the Contemporary World (GED0113) 67 Documents. An investment. Studying Intellectual Property at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes, practice materials and much more for IntellectualIntellectual Property: Introduction and History Definition:-Intellectual property is a bundle of rights and responsibilities associated with intangible products of human creativity -it’s an abstraction -It does not protect any individual instance of something -protects and abstract right -main types: copyright, patent, trademarks, trade. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. LAW HISTORICALLY B. The legal rights which result from intellectual activities in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields Nature of the copyright material (creative works are more likely to be protected than fact based works 3. Updated. J. Law of property; CPLD021Law Of Succession; CPLA031Law of succession; 031 CPLALaw of successsion. Students shared 67 documents in this course. "establishing the intellectual property office, providing for its powers and functions, and for other purposes ans # statement and choices a. B. Creates a relationship between a person and a thing. Intellectual Property Law (D) PLAW 420Intelligence Analysis; GOVT 381Intercultural Communication; GLST650. Group Assignment for weekend. Intellectual Property. Drafting and Filing a Patent Application. does not count (cf. Download. “StuDocu is. FINA2244 Chpt 9 Notes - Chapter 9: Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Intellectual - Studocu. This information is made available to the public in the form of the Intellectual Property Official Gazette and can be utilized as basis for future research and will in tum promote innovation and development. Disparagement → Defamation about a busi. 8293 – Intellectual Property Law; R. Some Intellectual Properties. Intellectual Property Rights – Heritage, Science, & Society under international treaties – A. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. be sold or licensed, providing an important revenue stream. Nanvuma Kaddu. As his company has grown, he has realized safety. Intellectual property rights are some of the most important intangible assets possessed by business owners in Malaysia. The company’s business is focused at designing unique, state of the art furniture pieces which caters to the upper middle class segment of the society. Important changes from previous Common Law definition. Trademarks - intellectual property lecture notes. An intellectual property system is defined as “the entire body of intellectual property laws, procedures, practices and institutions responsible for protecting, administering, enforcing and using intellectual property assets for social, cultural and economic progress” 1 The Intellectual Property Value chainIntellectual property rights include patents, which give the inventor the exclusive legal right to make, use, or sell the invention for a limited time, and copyright laws, which give the author an exclusive legal right over works of literature, music, film/video, and pictures. 4, Intellectual Property Code [IPC]) PATENTS 1. Explain the concept of Intellectual Property and trace its development; 2. What is the World Intellectual 22 Property Organization? What is Intellectual Property? What are intellectual property rights? Intellectual property rights are like any other property right. Here the law of copyright applies so knowledge of the CDPA 1988 and related case law would be requiredWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Upon completion of this unit you should be able to: Outcomes. Lecture notes on novelty - patents intro, prior art etc, cases novelty friday, 25 january 2019 09:01 novelty new the right to work disclosure novelty is aSAQ answers - SAQ answer - Computer science - Studocu. Answers. Patents, copyright, and trademarks, for example, are legal techniques that allow people to get recognition or financial profit from what they develop or produce. 13, Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution which mandates that the State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to the people. Rating. It is a product of intellectual effort rather than a physical manufacturing process. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. The impairment loss is P3. This include paintings 9. Centralized vs. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. describe the essence of Intellectual Property; define the concepts related to Intellectual Property Law; and identify the categories of Intellectual Property Rights_. Date. Mcq on intellectual property laws which will be helpful for CLAT PG or other LLM aspirants choose the correct answer: (copyright) the first owner of the. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & PRACTICE. ISLAMIC UNIVERSTY IN UGANDA. Intellectual Property (IP) is the term given to the productions of original intellectual or creative activity. Info More info. That means giving them rights to protect their intellectual property. ) Ideas of known intellectuals 2. It is the lead agency responsible for handling the registration and conflict resolution of intellectual property rights. work, the right go integrity in the work, right to withdraw the work from circulationLuat 07 2022 qh15 - Intellectual Property Law 2005 Edited 2022; Chapter 2 Questions 4 Discussion Patent-ID-TS; Mon Luat SHTT - Tổng hợp kiến thức + case; Discussion Patent; Questions for discussion Ch1; Mcq on intellectual property rights iprs 5fc42b81a1bc541cc2ffd6f0; Van ban hop nhat 07 vbhn vpqh van phong quoc hoiA patent is a type of intellectual property rights which protects the scientific inventions which can be a product or a process which shows technical advancement over the already known products. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & PRACTICE. – To administer and implement the State policies declared in this Act, there is hereby created the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) which shall have the following. The intellectual property right is a kind of legal right that protects a person9s artistic works, literary works, inventions or discoveries or a symbol or design for a specific period of time. 100% (1) 5. ) Information. 5. It was determined that fair market values of inventories and plant, property, and equipment were P266,000 and P1,800,000, respectively. Apple’s brand for example, is currently worth over $110 billion. 1) the utility; 2) user value; 3) labour value. As a result, intellectual property rights can have a direct and substantial impact on industry and business, as the owners of IPRs one can enforce such. Intellectual Property Institute b. Skip to main content. Other. The work must be original 10 (they cannot be copied from another work 11 ) and the author’s own intellectual creation 12. Your explanation should refer to any checks that you should make before implementing the options that you recommend. In the first place, the thought of "private" will go terminated. Ratings. Intellectual property is a crucial aspect of innovation and creativity in various fields, including technology, arts and science. This Unit provides an introduction to the major intellectual property rights (“IPRs”) which may exist or be granted in respect of a range of business or artistic items: products, works, processes, brands and names. LECTURE NOTES ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS III B. University Kingfisher School of Business and Finance. Access to all documents. The man-made brainpower will deal with information from billions of sources and will make a portfolio for each human. Chelangat semia 120-053011- Nangobi saliyah 120-053011- Rahummah Muhammad 120-053011- Mutamba phillip120-053012- Question "The correct position of law is that. ARH 302 - Lecture notes October; Lecture Notes, All Notes And Test Reviews, U. Patent law - ```. Gogo Zondi is a 105-year-old who - as a teenager - witnessed a key battle between warriors of the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa and the invading colonial forces from Europe. form an essential part of your marketing or branding. This Constitutional grant of authority to Congress is the cornerstone on which U. ORIGINAL WORKS: Literary and artistic works, hereinafter referred to as "works", are original intellectual creations in the literary and artistic domain protected from the moment of their creation and shall include in particular: 1. This requires knowledge of the main features or requirements of each right. Intellectual Property Writing Assignment Mikael C. ) to recognize and protect intellectual rights for a period of time sufficient to encourage. There are no pure market economies. Some types of. income tax. Ethical Use of Information. Intellectual property (LA3026) 109 Documents. Our law protects intellectual property in four main distinctive areas: copyrights, patents and trademarks. Save. (a) Explain the options available to ClickOn to prevent others from using the name. F Lubega & Mrs. Through IPR9s protection, owners are given the opportunity to license or sell their innovations to others, which is an important way of creating. Laws designed to preserve real property ownership rights have been extended to cover what is referred to as intellectual property, such as computer software. Chapter 10 - Lecture notes 10. Patent infringement and invalidity. Trademarks intellectual property is an important concept for you to be aware of if you want to protect your mark. Task. Studying LAWD20043 Introduction to Intellectual Property at University of Bristol? On Studocu you will find 54 lecture notes, summaries, tutorial work, essays,Section 185 of the Intellectual Property Code lists four (4) factors to determine if there was fair use of a copyrighted work, to wit: a. Trade Marks Question answer. An example of a property tax is A. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ratings. Granting intellectual property rights is a solution to solving this public goods problem by conferring upon the creators of new information an exclusive right. ) that the law protects from unauthorized use by others[ CITATION Leg22 \l 1033 ]. INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTIONS THAT DEFINED SOCIETY. Territorial. ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY IN UGANDA FACULTY : LAW YEAR : 4 SEMESTER : 1 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LECTURER : MASABA PETER GROUP PRESENTATION. Upon completion of this unit you should be able to: Outcomes. Writers on the theory of property have distinguished three main essential factors in the concept of property. i. (n) Sec. On Studocu you will find over 13100 lecture notes, summaries and assignments from Warwick, to help you pass your exams. Transformative/Reduction of article to different state or thing is a clue to the patentability of a process that does not include particular machines (i. Intellectual property (IP) is a form of intangible (unable to be touched) creation such as the expression of an idea or a trade mark. Aquino) Notes for introducing intellectual property law. The principle of reciprocity applies in Intellectual Property Rights. Property Law100% (11) On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to. With reciprocity b. Milestone in Computer Architecture. Although largely governed by federal law, state law also governs some aspects of intellectual property. data privacy act of the philippines c. Intellectual property and competition law. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. Susan D. Intellectual Property Rights: N K Acharya: ISBN: 93818493092. 1 Basic Concepts and Need for Intellectual Property ‘Intellectual Property’ is a comprehensive expression. Improve your grades. • Read the fact pattern carefully – write down the parties’ names and what you are asked to advise on. Are IP laws the same in every country? IP laws do vary from country to country; however, the approach of IP is the same worldwide. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS Atty. intellectual property law is built. Trademark: a disincive word, symbol, sound, or design that ideniies the manufacturer as the source of paricular goods and disinguishes its product from those made or sold by others. 330 Documents. Amount and substantiality of the copyright material in relation to work as a whole 4. LAWS 200 02 - Exam 1 Study Guide; LAWS 200 02 - Exam 2 Study Guide; LAWS 200 02 - Final Exam Study Guide; Lecture - Freedom of SpeechIf a patent is granted, there should be an application to register it whereby the patentee must disclose the patent to the state. In. Novelty C. Subbian, - Deep & Deep Publications – New Delhi. A _____ is an economy that combines property rights, resource allocation methods, and incentives in different ways to varying degrees. Trademarks - Lecture notes 3. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY – refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. ii. Discover. Other. Interviewing. Without protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and development. Power to identify; Also about communication, but a different kind. excise tax C. The essential concept is therefore positive. What is Cybersquatting? The practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit. The WIPO has defined intellectual property as property in intellectual creations particularly, technological invention and literary and artistic words. You have been approached by Namile Zondi, a grandchild of Gogo Zondi. Intellectual Property relates to intangible creative work – Not necessarily the physical form on which it is stored or delivered. *We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 2018 – 2019 Jose Maria College – College of Law Main References: 1. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & PRACTICE UNIT 8. Interviewing. The notion of fairness is, indeed, innate. 4. UIP 2612 Intellectual Property Law Tutorial 14: Passing Of. intellectual property Intangible assets resulting from the creative work of an individual or organization Creations of the mind, such as: Inventions; Literary and artistic works; Symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. year. Rating. PAGE 5. IP lawyers advise clients on how to gain trade mark protection in multiple jurisdictions. MCT 2020 Sem 1 - MCQ for Assessment 1 . , process patent claims)Free riding in information as a good happens when a free-rider, without the right holder’s consent, uses or reproduces an intellectual property. Workshop Guide - WS1 of Intellectual Property from university of law; IP 3 - Intellectual Property Law Passing Off Workshop 3; Unit 5 - MCQ - Unit 5 - MCQ - Intellectual Property; Unit 4 - MCQ - Unit 4 - MCQ - Intellectual Property; Unit 3 - MCQ - Unit 3 - MCQ - Intellectual Property; WS6 Guide ConfidentialityIntellectual Property and the Internet. October 2020. Was this document helpful? 0 0. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Permits an owner to exclude the public from making, using, or selling the protected inventionIntellectual property lecture patents part novelty, inventive step that can be invented has been charles duell (commissioner, patent office, 1899) this week. FINA2244 Chpt 9 Notes - Chapter 9: Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Intellectual - Studocu. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. additional community tax on income of real properties B. Client-Server Architecture for DBMS. Intellectual property rights are rights granted to intellectual works such as inventions, designs, brands and copyrights. theory/ personality rights theory (common law countries - utilitarianism in justifying the protection of intellectual property rights) - Eg: rights to divulge (disclose)泄露 the work, right to be attributed as the author of the. Although StuDocu is not liable for any damages in connection with the (illegal) use of the Platform by Students, StuDocu will, under the conditions as set out in this Article, remove Study Material(s), Study. 1-6 Milestone - Pseudocode and Flowchart. Publication Date: 2021-03-22. Statement of Facts: Petitioner Katz was convicted of transmitting wagering information over the phone, in violation of a federal statute. Social value d. Special thanks to Karichi Santos for helping me complete my notes, and to Marie Estrella and Di Bonilla for sharing their correct answers to our hw JIntellectual property (IP) refers to mental creations such as inventions, literary and creative works, projects, commercial symbols, brands, and logos. Copy of 7. Definitions. (like using property for a toxic waste dump in the middle of a city) are restricted. Two primary rules of thumb for deciding if intellectual property protection should be persued 1) determine if the intellectual property in question is directly related to its competitive advantage 2. Youngstown State University. Patents are granted for a limited period of time, mostly 20 years under TRIPS (The Trade Related Intellectual Property convention) A patent may be obtained/owned by a natural or juristic person. Download. Functions of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Updated. Intellectual Property. This is considered intellectual property theft since it entailed the misappropriation of intellectual property belonging to a business that was distributed without their agreement or understanding. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY I. When the court has to decide whether an invention can be granted a patent, the court will have to consider whether the invention involved an INVENTIVE step, in other words, whether the invention is not obvious. 2020. This is the third infringement action filed. Context. Thus, intellectual property rights are used to correct this market failure by granting to its creators and owners an exclusive or monopoly right to exploit the information so created (Plant 1934). One essay type question and short note/problems is compulsory from each Unit. Ethical value b. Human assets: Individuals with their talents, capabilities, experience, professional expertise, relationships, and so on. Answers. Trademark or brand name is one of the most important IP. It is referred to as the best means that cover a body of legal rights arising from mental and artistic endeavor. EXAMPLES: a. Intellectual Property LAW 320 Notes Final; Study Unit 1 - Introduction to the law of trade marks; Study unit 2. It is the product emerging out of the intellectual labour of a human being. 7 pages 2011/2012 100% (3) 2011/2012 100% (3) Save.